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EZZ Business Management Software

EZZ is the Industry’s Premier Business Management Software, specifically designed to meet the unique demands of growth-oriented Promotional Products distributors and suppliers.

We remain committed to the PPI by devoting 100% of our resources to staying current with the Industry and developing software designed to address the dynamics of this business.

Operations and management experts developed EZZ with detailed experience from the Promotional Products Industry.

We deal with industry-specific issues in a manner consistent with the actual information flow of promotional product companies. Our clients don’t have to try to fit their businesses to the rules of our product…our product flexes to accommodate your needs. We call it Business-Driven Accounting, not Accounting-Driven Business.

One comprehensive program contains both supplier and distributor modules, and is able to meet the needs of single users, work groups on networks or multi-user operations.

The EZZ Business Management Software supports all major network platforms including: XP, WIN 2000, Novell, NT, ME, Linux and SCO UNIX networks.


CohesIS E-Commerce Publishing System

The E-Commerce Publishing System is an online system management framework, for building and publishing on-line E-Commerce catalogs. This is tied into the EZZ Business Management System. 100% real-time!
The E-Commerce Publisher (ECP) provides you with a simple, web-based interface that allows you to build, maintain, and publish sophisticated E-Commerce solutions for your clients!