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Billing & Vouching

All of the information is on one screen , so you have access to edit the order, and view side by side billing and vouching. The operator edits the purchase order with current freight, date shipped, and quantity (if a quantity is back ordered it will retain the same order number.) EZZ allows you to bill or vouch separately. This procedure creates an accounts payable from the purchase order, At the same window you may invoice your customer. Turn on the WIP/SIP feature by order type these are holding accounts for vouching and billing on incomplete orders. Keeps COGS and Sales due, from crossing accounting periods.



  • Side by side billing and vouching allows simultaneous access to the vendor's purchase order and the customer's acknowledgement. You may process either or both at any time.
  • Over or under runs may be edited at time of billing. All back orders retain the same order number.
  • Additional costs that do not effect the customer, may be added to the order for a true gross profit and, an accurate commission record. Yet not viewed by the customer.
  • All accounting activity is automatically recorded and entered into the customer/ Vendor inquiry files as well as the A/P and A/R files.
  • Sales commissions that are paid on invoiced are updated after invoicing. Paid on Paid commissions are considered commissions in process and noted as such.
  • Paid on invoiced orders are sent to history in the Salesperson's inquiry,
  • This procedure updates the history records of both the vendor and customer, and the invoice number is the same as the order number.
  • This invoice now appears as an open A/R. and A/P for accounting purposes.
  • Updates all sales tax codes (5 maximum).
  • All invoices have an invoice note pad.

Additional Features

  • Invoice Printing by invoice number range.
  • Invoice inquiry menu tag that pop up credit messages.
  • Prepayment register has the ability to specify transaction type.
  • Fax duplicate invoices - appears as Original.
  • Order Activity report now includes credit memos.



  • Invoiced sales report by period-with a wide array of operator options.
  • Invoiced sales report by state for opens orders, order history or both (detail and summary) and sort by date or salesperson.
  • Invoiced sales report by customer.
  • Invoiced sales by order type and SA code.
  • Sales by item Royalty report.
  • YTD sales by date and G/L.
  • Invoiced sales by item status code (a user definable code).
  • Monthly sales tax report.
  • Paid on paid sales tax report.
  • Sales tax audit by date range.